

Kathryn and Mike here, and we're thrilled to connect with you. 

We are founding Pavarda to create beautiful solutions that shelter us within the elements. 

And together with Ieva, our 8yo fashionista aka LIGHTSTORM, we are grateful to live in a quiet and stunningly-beautiful corner of eastern Australia. We are often happily muddy planting trees and restoring vitality on our 16 acres of mountainside.

How did we arrive here at hat-making?

Mike and I have been working towards beautiful things and macguyvering ways to make the world a better place, since as long as we can remember... 

Both of us started with art - forever drawing, painting and creating stuff, and fortunate to study at Sydney's finest art schools and to work with amazing creatives. Mike continues classical drawing and painting with a touch of magic realism, along with artistic gardening with an excavator and thousands of beloved plants, and I have long been busy exploring creative ways to apply narrative to problem-solving. Over time we've sidestepped into other professions - Mike is doctor treating skin cancer with a background in regional and remote medical practice, and I work with business and economic development. We leapt into love in the Top End (as pictured here) and gosh there are stories for other days!

Enriched by eclectic strengths and adventures, and deep appreciation of helping people and impact-driven business, here we are.

Inspired by a glamorous hand-me-down hat from Mike's mother, we are designing beautiful and ingenious headwear. We know first-hand the damage and suffering sun cancer causes, and are thankful for nature's gifts and our interconnections. Pavarda hats are created with utmost care, quality and grace to shelter you in the sun and winds. We can't wait to show you!

Family photo - Mike, Kathryn and little daughter in a carrier, together caring for trees.Meaning ‘hearth’, the word Pavarda comes from Latvia, which is part of Mike and Ieva's heritage. This word carries much heart and tradition, as from ancient times we humans gather around fire to keep warm and connected, cook food and stay safe, and to share stories and wisdom.

With Pavarda we are working with some exquisite artists and sustainable makers. Our designs are composed of unique artworks and stories, and Pavarda strives for sustainable production and to give back to regenerative agriculture. With storytelling we embrace our origins, interconnections and futures.

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